Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Why are we here?

We come, broken:
Seeking confidence.
We come, empty:
Seeking strength.
We come, carrying heavy burdens:
Seeking rest.
We come, to the Sacred and one another:
Seeking love and acceptance.

We acknowledge that bullying stems from an imbalance of power. It is a deliberate intent to cause harm, physically and emotionally. Bullying can prevent people from reaching their full potential. We recognize that bullying affects everyone, through violence, intimidation, distress, and fear. It doesn't just end after school, but follows the bullied person through life. Knowing this truth to be tragic, and believing it to be preventable, we come together to build up our courage and hope, so we can eradicate bullying in all its forms. Let it be.

Song: High School Never Ends by Bowling For Soup

Naming Our Truth, Claiming Our Power

We are shaped by the love of the Sacred.
But sometimes, we forget.
Sometimes, our worries grab hold of us.
Sometimes, our fears change who we believe we are.
Our fears about fitting in or being left on the outside,
About not getting the job or being invited to the party,
Not having the "right" friends, not having any friends,
About being bullied.
Our worries about who we are:
Am I too fat? Too thin?
Am I ugly?
How's my hair?
Do I have too many zits? Too much hair? Too little?
Am I normal?
Do I make enough money?
Do I have the right education?
Do I have the right job?
Do I have the right clothes?
Will people like me?
Will they call me names?
Worries and fears swirl around us--
"Who's got the money? Who's got the honey? Who's kinda cute, and who's just a mess?"
--pulling us away from our precious selves, who we really are.
And sometimes, we remember:
We are made by the Divine.
We are shaped by the deepest of love.
And so we need not worry; we need not fear.
We are created by Love, to be creators of love.
Let it be.
(Adapted from a prayer by Anne Spice, Kyrsten Hafso, and Allison Rennie)



I am precious.
I am strong.
I am capable.
I am whole.
I am needed.
I am wanted.
I am creative.
I am confident.
I am human.
I am worthy.
I am loved.
I am what I am meant to be.


We seek to be people of acceptance, affirmation, and justice.
Believing that bullying is against these values,
And that all people have the right to live free from humiliation, harrassment, oppression, and abuse,
We will, we must, stand up, in courage, hope, and solidarity, against bullying.

"The world needs us: our ideas, our friendship, our very presence. The world is suffering and hurting right now. The world needs, now as never before, the voice of those who are learning how to live in hope in the midst of pain. It is important not only for ourselves but to the world that we hold onto the priceless treasure that is our life and that we find a way to live with hope in the midst of despair, with peace in the midst of struggle, with courage in the midst of fear."
(From Not All Violins: Spiritual Resources by Women with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses by The Barb Wire Collective)


Suggestions For Moving Forward 1) Google and read Amanda Palmer's 4-part blog on bullying, and the comments. Be prepared, this will take a long time, but it's definitely worth it.
2) Pink is the colour chosen for anti-bullying. Wear it often, and tell people why.
3) Learn more about how bullying affects people close to you by talking and listening.
4) Stand up whenever you see or suspect bullying.
5) Make sure your school or workplace has an enforceable anti-bullying policy. If yes, thank them. If no, do what it takes to get one.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Creative Spirit,
Whose Divine Spark lies in the hearts of all people,
we live among people
whose languages are different from our own,
whose beliefs are foreign to us,
whose ways we fail to understand.
We must remember
that all people are embraced by Divine Love,
that all spirituality is a response to the Sacred,
that the yearnings of other hearts
are much like our own.
We must recognize the Sacred
in words of truth, things of beauty,
and actions of love around us.
Let it be.
(Adapted from "You Embrace All Peoples," based on a prayer by Robert H. Adams, Jr.)

Song: Stay With Us Through The Night by Walter Farquharson and Ron Klusmeier
(This song may be difficult to find. If so, let me know and I will upload a version of it.)

The Creative Spirit has created, and is still creating,
a world rich with difference and diversity.
All people are created with the Divine Spark,
each expressing their being and living their life
in valid, special relationships with the Sacred.

For historical acts of injustice and oppression
perpetuated against Aboriginal communities,
Black and Latino communities,
and various Asian communities:
We are sorry. We must move forward.

For the times we have failed to recognize racism,
in ourselves, in our society,
and the times we have failed to take action:
We are sorry. We must move forward.

For complicity, complacency, in systems of privilege and power
over those whose skin colour, culture, creed,
differ from those of the majority:
We are sorry. We must move forward.

We need courage to never let a racist comment pass in our hearing or sight,
commitment to insist on equitable treatment of all persons and groups--
including ourselves, if we are oppressed--
even at the risk of being unpopular or misunderstood.
We must move forward.

We need patience to endure periods of non-obvious action,
persistance to resist the evil of racial oppression,
perseverance to work toward racial justice among all people.
We must move forward.

We need humility and wisdom to know that while we must do something, we cannot do everything.
We must do what we can, no more and no less.
We must move forward.
Let it be.
(Adapted from "A Litany For Racial Justice" by Wenh-In Ng)


Move forward with strong love and daring hope.
The world is created with the Spark of the Sacred.
The world is made beautiful by diversity.
Recognize the Sacred in every race.
Accept and honour the values of others.
All people long for justice, peace, and harmony.
We must respond.
Let it be.
(Adapted from "A Commissioning" by Sang Chul Lee)


Suggestions For Moving Forward
1) Learn to pronounce people's names, no matter how foreign-sounding, rather than just calling them something easier.
2)Increase your awareness of everyday racism by talking, reading, listening...
3) Re-evaluate your words and actions to be sure they are as free from racism as possible. Then do it again.
4) Always be conscious of racism's effect on you if you are one of the privileged majority: never forget the backpack of unearned privilege on your shoulders.
5) Wear a hoodie on February 26 to remember the anniversary of Trayvon Martin's murder. If you don't know the story, learn about it.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Self Esteem and Body Image

Self esteem is a justice issue: as long as we are held back by not believing we are good enough, we will never act. More than other justice issues, self esteem is between a person and the Sacred. For this reason, unlike other rituals here, this is written specifically for personal use.

The Sacred does not make mistakes.
The Sacred does not make junk.
I am here for a reason.
I am necessary and important.
I am beautiful.
I am loved.
I am good enough.
I will repeat this until I believe it.
[You are invited to do just that, ending with:]
Let it be.

Song: Good Enough by Darren Hayes

I have been told I am unworthy.
I have heard it so often I have come to believe it.
So I withhold love from myself.

It is so easy to judge myself:
Am I smart enough?
Successful enough?
Beautiful enough?
Loving enough?
Rich enough?
Thin enough?
Good enough?
Have I given enough?

I know how to criticize myself.
It's something I'm very good at.
But I realize now that all self-criticism does is keep me down.
It keeps me from recognizing the beauty of my spirit.
So I must learn to love and accept myself as I am.

May these words fill me with love for myself.
May they transform me with new appreciation for all that I am.
May they resonate through my body, mind, and spirit.

I am worth caring for.
I am worth a life I love.
I am worth loving relationships.
I am worth wonderful work.
I am worth positive thoughts.
I am worth working for justice.
I am worth a healthy body.
I am worth happiness.
I am worth love.
I am worth Life.

Not only am I worth it, it is my Divine Right.
I am loved by the Sacred, and must do no less than to love myself.

Let it be.
(Adapted from "Prayer For Self-Esteem & Self-Worth" by Clyo Beck.)


Body, Mind, and Spirit Vows

Today and every day, I will:
-Do the little things that will keep me happy and healthy.
-Appreciate what makes me different from anyone else.
-Love that I'm unique and beautiful inside, and try to feel the same about the outside.
-Never hide the real me.
-Accept that my body will change, and that's okay.
-Be supportive.
-Put my energy toward things I care about, instead of wasting it on self-criticism.
-Remember that the sun will rise tomorrow, even if I eat something unhealthy or miss a workout tonight.
-Never blame my body for my bad day.
-Never join in when others compare and criticize themselves.
-Never allow someone else to influence how I feel about myself.
-Never dismiss a person before getting to know them.
-Focus on all the amazing things I can do.
-Quiet the negative inner voice.
-Never accept or tolerate unconstructive criticism.
-Remind myself that no one looks absolutely incredible all the time.
-Remember that everyone has problems.
-Respect my body.
-Respect myself.
-Realize that the mirror cannot reflect who I am inside.
-Know that I am beautiful just the way I am.
-Not let the scale or my clothes size define me.
-Surround myself with positivity.
-Celebrate myself.
-Remind myself I am good enough; I am worthy.
-Accept that beauty isn't just about looks.
-Recognize that self esteem is a journey, and not beat myself up if I falter.
-Love myself as I am.

Let it be.
(Adapted from "The Body Peace Pledge" from Seventeen magazine)


Suggestions For Moving Forward

1) Create and repeat an affirming mantra to remind yourself of who you are.
2) Listen to your positive inner voice. Do what is right for you.
3) Celebrate your small successes.
4) Care for yourself. Treat yourself like you would your best friend.
5) Communicate with positive, uplifting people.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Poverty & Hunger

I had coffee and ice cream,
walked into the street,
and met a boy with a dream,
with no shoes on his feet,
with no self esteem,
and no shoes on his feet.

What can I do,
for this child on the street,
who is created by You,
and dreams of shoes on his feet?
(Adapted from "Dreaming of Shoes" by Richard Becher)

To a poor person, the Sacred dares not appear, except in the form of food and the promise of work. Every human being has the right to live, and therefore the right to be able to feed themselves. (Adapted from a quotation by Gandhi)

Song: Crumbs From Your Table by U2

The Lost Dream
By Richard Becher

Mama, I can't find my dream
I had it last night but now it's gone.
I was all wrapped up
in a nice clean sheet
with a pillow for my head
and a blanket to keep me warm.
I had a bath before bed
with hot water from a tap,
but now I can't find my dream
and I don't know where it's gone.
I have no pillow for my head,
no blankets to keep me warm
and no water for a drink
let alone for a wash.
Mama, I've lost my dream
and I don't know where it's gone.
It was with me last night
until I opened my eyes
and felt my hard wooden bed
in the cold tin shack
with a dusty mud floor.
I lost my dream, Mama,
I don't know where it's gone
and I don't know where to look.
Perhaps I got it wrong
and I never should have dreamed
for dreams are for the rich
nightmares for the poor.
Dreams have a price
and I can't afford to pay
so I've lost my dream, Mama,
I don't know where it's gone
and I can't afford to get it back.



Dreams of necessities
Must be fulfilled:
"Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die."

Dreams of the future
Must be for everyone:
"Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die."

Dreams of a better world
Must not be all alone:
"Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die."

Dreams of the day where all have enough
Must be put into action:
"Where you live should not decide
Whether you live or whether you die."

To eradicate hunger, to eradicate poverty, is not impossible.
It requires, however, nothing less than a complete overhaul of our society.
We alone cannot do everything, but we cannot do nothing.
We must not be discouraged.
We must do what we can.
Let it be.


Suggestions For Moving Forward

1) Google and visit the Hunger Site to help feed people with just one click.
2) Buy fair trade whenever possible to ensure people get livable wages for their work.
3) Petition governments to implement real strategies toward eliminating poverty.
4) Learn more about how poverty affects your community.
5) Consider donating time or money to an organization working to eradicate hunger and/or poverty.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Metapost: Thank you!

Many thanks to my brother, Kim, for creating the new beautiful header and helping me get this blog looking pretty.  :)  Now I can remove the "Under Construction" caveat.  Yay!

Blessed Be.


Saturday, February 16, 2013


The Spirit of Life calls to us:
"Bring good news to aching hearts."
The Spirit of Life calls to us:
 "Let the oppressed be free."
The Spirit of Life calls to us:
"Let justice cascade like waterfalls."
The Spirit of Life calls to us.
Let it be.

We say we are a loving people,
but there can be no love without peace between us.
We say we are a people of peace,
but there can be no peace without justice among us.
We say we are a people of justice,
but there can be no justice without hope for us all.
(Adapted from "We Are..." by Richard Becher)

 Song: Walk On by Hilltop Hoods
(Some of the political references are a bit dated, but the message remains.)

Give Us A Voice

 Give us a voice, and we will cry out.
We will raise our voices to sing;
Our feet will dance,
Wherever there are signs of life around us.

 Give us a voice, and we will sob.
We will weep with the world,
like a child holding a broken treasure,
we will not be comforted.

 Give us a voice to name truth,
and expose falsehood;
to encourage the discouraged,
and confront those in power.

Give us a voice that speaks with passion,
and a voice full of compassion;
a voice that is gentle,
and a voice that is angry.

When it would be easier to remain silent,
give us a voice that can speak with conviction.

 Give us a voice, and we will proclaim liberation.

 Voices long quiet will shout out.
Voices that have been silenced will emerge.
Voices that have been ignored will be raised.
Let it be.
 (Adapted from a poem with the same name by the National Commission for Mission of the Uniting Church in Australia)


 May we be liberated from the chains of fear.
May we be freed from the closed circles of discrimination.
May we be liberated from the prisons of prejudice.
May we be freed from the confines of nationalism.
May we be liberated from hate, envy, apathy, and greed.
May we be freed from hostility, anger, violence, and injustice.
May we go forward in the way of peace and justice.
Let it be. 
 (Adapted from "Lord, Liberate Us" by John Johansen-Berg)


 Suggestions for Moving Forward
 1) Sign a petition surrounding a justice issue you care about.
 2) Talk with other people about the causes closest to your heart.
 3) While reading or watching the news, concentrate deeply, pray, or meditate on any injustices mentioned.
4) Leave a comment here if there's a specific justice you'd like to see a ritual focus on. I can't promise it will be quick, but I can promise it will be done.
 5) Consider donating time or money to an organization that works for justice.

Friday, February 15, 2013

About Me & This Blog

Hello! Just a few introductory things...

 Who am I? I'm Jenna, a 26 year old woman from almost-Alberta, Canada. I am a Christian who believes that all spiritual paths, so long as they are life-giving, are good and valid. As much as I can be while not being "of colour," I am a womanist: to feminist as purple is to lavender. The struggle for justice is nearly always on my mind, filling much of my thought and action, especially during Lent. My major personal credo, which I try to let guide me, is adapted from the Bible: "You have been shown what is good. And what does the Holy require of you, but to seek justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with the Spirit?"

 I believe that rituals which give us encouragement, connection to the Sacred, and concrete ways to move forward in our lives are the most important aspect of the path to justice, so I'm starting this blog. I believe that rituals are for everyone, regardless of religious belief, which is why I'm challenging myself to create rituals which are meaningful but do not contain religious jargon. Please comment and let me know how I'm doing. :)

What am I assuming about you? I'm assuming that you have some connection, or wish for connection, to the Sacred. My personal definition of spirituality comes from The Barb Wire Collective: "Our spiritual lives are strong when we believe ourselves to be made in the Divine image, when we see ourselves mirrored in the Holy, and accept ourselves as loved unconditionally by that Creative Spirit." You'll see this pop up now and again, I'm sure. What is your definition of spirituality?

 Blessed be.
